July 31, 2024 Update
The Park Fire — Our Diocese Responds
Since beginning last Wednesday, The Park Fire outside Chico has grown to become the fifth-largest fire in California history. So far, 26,578 people have been evacuated, 109 structures destroyed.
There are two actions desperately needed at this time: prayer and financial donation. Please add to your devotions a prayer for the survivors, responders, volunteers, and any who are impacted by this disaster,
AND, please back your prayer with a gift to the Bishop’s Disaster Fund
Trinity is ready to answer the call from the Diocese for our bins. We have committed 10 each of cleaning and bedroom bins. We have the 10 cleaning bins at the ready for the Diocese call to make them available to those who can return home, but need to do some serious cleanup following the fire. This week, we will be acquiring the bedroom items and we will call for packing assistance, hopefully, next week.
While we have enough funds in our RESTART account for purchasing the bedroom items (thanks to those who have given generously to this project last year!), please consider another donation to replenish the account to build more bins for future calls for supplies. The Park fire has affected so many people, we could be called on for more bins. Ten bins of supplies cost typically $1500 - $2000.
Give to Trinity's Project (RE)START by clicking below.
January 2023 Update
West Slope aid for Caldor survivors has been working to get families into appropriate temporary housing before winter with assistance from the Salvation Army. As part of this stage of recovery, fourteen kitchen supply bins were picked up from Trinity on January 23rd, 2023 for distribution to meet needs of those entering into a housing situation. Fortunately there has not been much additional damage from the January storms, and rebuilding of houses in the burn area has begun.
This leaves us inventory of 6 kitchen bins for other recovery needs such as Jackson flooding. We are working with Amador agencies to determine what is needed and get them whatever ReStart supplies are needed for those requiring assistance.
West Slope Foundation October 2022 Update
West Slope aid for Caldor survivors has shifted gears a bit and they are now working to get families into appropriate temporary housing before winter. As part of this stage of recovery, they have shifted from a mass distribution of kitchen supplies on October 16th to a metered delivery of kitchen and home needs for those entering into housing. The immediate demand is for kitchen supplies for six families moving into homes now, and West Slope would like to store four more of the kitchen bins to be available as families get placed. Going forward, West Slope would like to be able to request additional bins in smaller numbers as additional families get placed.
This would allow us to hold on to an inventory of ten bins for other recovery needs such as the Mosquito fire. For the Caldor project then, we could continue our relationship with them and still be able to respond to other needs.
Jackson Rotary Partners
with Trinity RE(START)
to build, deliver, and maintain
supply bin inventory!
Jackson Rotary voted to partner with Trinity for ongoing support for Project ReStart. They have funded the project to build another 20 bins to create inventory for our next call. Not only are they helping with funding, but they also want to be a part of shopping, packing, and delivery of bins as needed.
We look forward to working with Rotary members on what is turning out to be an important ministry--a resource for neighbors in recovery from disaster, especially fire.
Thank you 
Please consider signing up for an automatic recurring donation that fits your budget. Trinity will hold the funds in a designated fund to be used only for Project ReStart.
--Go to Frequency of Donation drop-down menu and choose a frequency
--Please consider including the PayPal processing fees in you donation by clicking the "Cover Processing Fee" box before proceeding to payment. Your total charges will be tallied.
Please help Trinity in this mission to serve our neighbors.
For more information contact Steve C.
(Re)Start Diocese web link
From 9/13/22
Congregations team up for Project (Re)Start!
Top Left: Rik Rasmussen, Dean of Capitol Deanery, and Dave Clay load bins from St. Paul's
Bottom Left: Sherry Wallmark works with a fire victim at a Local Assistance Center
Right: Sherry Wallmark of St. John's Chico with bins destined for Mill Fire Victims
By Lis Padula, Project (Re)Start Coordinator
I am finding that Project (Re)Start has become the foundation of an awesome community! People with no previous connection are now sharing in a common effort – caring for those who have been displaced by disaster.
As Project Coordinator, I am getting the chance to meet so many new people and helping them explore their imaginations so they can find the ways to put together bins to go to survivors of disaster. What I have found the most amazing about this effort is that many congregations don’t believe they can do anything to help those in need, until we begin to explore possibilities. Through looking around, outside the church doors, we are discovering that there are resources in our communities that we have never before considered.
Among my greatest joys is when a church decides to introduce Project (Re)Start to their parish and quiet members of the parish find their calling. Many times, these are people who have never believed they can make a difference. When these shy folks sign up to pack the bins, or even add a little something extra to their shopping lists to help fill the bins, they discover the joy of being a part of something bigger – a true support for their neighbors.
Some of the churches have incorporated their youth and have used this ministry as a way to teach responsibility, as well as skills in fundraising and grant application.
When a church in the redwoods could not find a way to be part of a deanery-wide effort to engage Project (Re)Start, the deanery included them by exploring ways they could be involved – including simply storing bins in a geographically secluded area.
Last week the diocese called for bins to go to the Mill Fire in Weed (Siskiyou County). St Pauls, Sacramento responded that they were ready to send bins. These bins from Sacramento were delivered to Chico. In Chico, St. John’s had bins already loaded and ready to go, so the gift was multiplied. On Saturday, the bins from Sacramento and Chico were delivered to Weed, while another relay was run from Red Bluff to Redding to Weed. Churches cooperated to make great things happen!
Special thanks to St. Pauls Sacramento, St. John's Chico, St. Peters Red Bluff, and St. Barnabas, Mt. Shasta for their generosity. These congregations provided 25 (Re)Start bins to be distributed to survivors at the Mill Fire Local Assistance Center.